Arduino-based Weather Station
This is a post I made at the now almost extinct Wunderground blogs where I briefly describe one of my summer 2016 projects which consisted in refurbishing an old Davis Instruments weather station. Before Wunder Blogs disappear completely, I want to save this and use it as a first “real” post here. Later on I will do a proper entry and explain all the details regarding this setup and its whereabouts.
Personal Weather Station reporting as IZAPOPAN15 is a refurbished Davis Vantage Pro Plus + 24HR FARS working under Arduino + WizNet Ethernet shield. Original Davis ISS board was damaged and the console went missing long ago, that’s why I decided to run an Arduino as the new ISS board plus direct network connection capability for a very low price.
Here a picture of the Arduino ISS box during an in site code update:
For the code, I heavily modified the one found here: and added my own functions as well in order to adapt it to the current sensor suite available and of course my own needs. Thanks to Davis sensors documentation I was able to make most of the sensors work again and adjust their output values. For calibration I relied on the data reported from other 3 Davis VP2+ stations installed in the city. Data seems consistent since last calibration.
The station code is updated regularly to debug some issues or improve the Arduino performance.
EDIT: I will eventually post here all the process of making this project work they way it is now.
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